Information about abstract submission!

Criteria for subbmiting your scientific researches:

Case report


  • Authors
  • Afilliations
  • 300 words
  • Introduction
  • Case report
  • Discussion
  • Keywords

Original research


  • Authors
  • Afilliations
  • 300 words
  • Introduction
  • Aim
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Keywords


  1. Authors
  2. Affiliation: department, institut name, city, country
    (write down the exact correct name of your institution in English)
  3. Introduction: explain the context and the background of your research. It is important to point out the specific goal and assumption that you are trying to prove.
  4. Aim
  5. Materials and methods: Materials and methods should be described clearly mentioning all the criteria and sources used in the process. All the methods, equipment (with the address and the name of the producer) and protocols have to be detailed enough to assure that your process/research can be conducted again by others. When using standard methods it is obligatory to quote sources from the literature and if new methods are introduced they have to be fully explained and analysed. It is important to mention all the medicine and chemicals used in the process including their genetic nomination, proper dosage and the prescription. Reagents, eqipment and devices have to be listed with the country of production included.
  6. Results: have to be presented following the logical order of the text, tables and images. The information and the data used in the text shouldn't be repeated in the pictures or tables. Tables and images should contain only the amount of information mandatory for understanding the article and demonstrated data.
  7. Conclusion: has to contain all the new findings discovered in the process, important points of view as well as your conclusion. Detailed results and any other parts of your work shouldn't be repeated in this section. In the discussion you elaborate possible mechanisms and give explanations of the results that should be compared with the results of already conducted researches. Finally in this part you state the limitations of the research and you analyse the consequences of the given results on the future experiments and clinical practice.
  8. Keywords